Once you've posted a review, you can't edit it or change the rating. Therefore it's good check that you don't have a misconception of some kind or make a premature errorenous negative judgment.
As the most recent example I find The Mario Bros in fact better than what my review would imply:
- It's more than relatively good for a flash Mario. It's probably the best flash Mario I've seen.
- The underwater wall kicks do work, I just didn't grasp them fast enough.
- I still think the wall kicks don't reach high enough. After sending the review I played till level 8 (and might still play till the end) so I did learn to do the wall kicks but I still think it's unnecessarily hard in an unconstructive way.
- Compared to many other Flash Mario games, this delivers something new without destroying the basic Mario ideas, whereas some others do the opposite: do not deliver anything new yet still manage to mess up the things that make a Mario game.
There are various things that could be a bit better in this game, but in the world of flash submissions this would have still deserved a better rating than 6 - after all flash submissions are not like movies on imdb, from which even the crappiest ones usually have significant budgets and teams behind them. So to balance out the review with the too low rating of 6 out, I'm giving this Mario game a vote of 4/5. :)
ps. I'm not the only one who should remember this - especially those who send reviews with scores of 0 because they bump into something they consider a problem should definitely think more before sending those reviews.