Keeps getting better!
Once again, some general points before commenting on the level. First of all, I see there are less complaints about the controls now. Maybe some have realized that actually aiming with the mouse would make it too easy. The truth is, that neither mouse nor 8 directional shooting is realistic: it's not realistic that you can't shoot in the direction you want, but on the other hand it wouldn't be realistic either that you could constantly shoot at a certain spot while jumping and doing all kinds of evasive maneuvers. So all in all it's just a matter of gameplay design, and I at least prefer this approach where you (eg. in Boss battles) have to find the right balance between evasions and aiming.
There is one thing I'm missing though. Aren't there any medals for this game? Those would be a nice addition! Then a more minor thing is that I think the rockets of the rocket launcher should act as real explosives and be able to hurt the nearby enemies.
Probably the best level so far. Now there is nice variation to the places and they are pretty logically interconnected. As for the graphics (that have received so many complaints from people), I think they were also better than in the earlier stages: the heat effect was nice and I think the enemies are well drawn and animated.
The ninja guy was great and the humour works pretty well too. The new powerup was also a very welcome addition to the gameplay and the last boss was very creatively crafted. Good job!